We develop, implement and digitise applicable solutions, processes and applications for your perfect obsolescence, discontinuation, configuration, change, risk and life cycle management.

Life Cycle Management LCM

Life cycle management helps companies to analyse risks and evaluate opportunities to use the findings as a basis to derive profitable strategies. Especially in relation to durable capital goods, technical and organisational measures reduce life cycle costs, for all parties involved in the supply chain – from manufacturer to operator.

Your Benefits

When implementing the improved procedures, not only professional expertise is required, but also corresponding methodological expertise. Thanks to our many years of experience in various industries, we are able to analyse your processes as quickly as possible and to design and implement necessary improvements. With in-depth knowledge of the relevant tools, we also support you in automating your processes.


The AMSYS Service Offers

Are you an operator or manufacturer of durable capital goods? Then we can offer you individual advice and a portfolio of solutions:

Software and Products

Life Cycle Management (LCM) Client

Our modular, web-based Life Cycle Management (LCM) Client is the optimal software for the automated, digitised and transparent design of your reactive, proactive or even strategic process.

The Life Cycle Management (LCM) Client comprises 3 modules which you can either operate as a combined solution or as a separate application – fully customised in accordance with your requirements.

Obsolescence Management Module

Change Management Module

Risk Management Module

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Obsolescence Management (OM) Portal

The Obsolescence Management Portal allows all rail operators, as well as national and regional transport companies to obtain information on the topics of obsolescence management and spare parts supply together with all registered members, and to exchange vehicle-specific information.

Acute obsolescence cases and supply problems are published and discussed within the portal community. Members cooperate to develop a solution or provide relevant problem-solving approaches.

You will have unrestricted access to all information published on this portal on the subject of obsolescence in railways.

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SMART - Supportability Management Assessment Report Tool - from RAC is an intelligent and effective software that supports all aspects of long-term development, supply and maintenance phases:

  • Consolidates multiple internal & external data sources
  • Analysis and avoidance of unnecessary costs
  • Detailed availability forecasts (incl. COTS components)
  • Integrated case management optimizes solution-finding processes

Applied obsolescence management processes increase productivity and offer optimized solution finding processes. These reduce costs for obsolescence removal (reactive approach) and obsolescence avoidance (proactive approach). Plan the entire lifecycle of your (sub)systems in a strategic approach.

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Free tool for your change and obsolescence management

In accordance with the VDMA 24903 standard "Obsolescence Management - Information Exchange on Changes and Discontinuation of Products and Units", the COG smartPCN standard and the JEDEC J-STD-046, J-STD-048, you can use the PCNGenerator to generate standardized change (PCN) and discontinuation notifications (PDN) in pdf and digital format and send them via email.

It is also possible to import such digital files to view and edit them.


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Our Seminars and Workshops

Obsolescence Management

Obsolescence Management
Schedule: 1. Day: 09:00 to 05:30
2. Day: 09:00 to 04:00
Venue: in Hamburg


Costs: 1.490,00€

Obsolescence Management

Obsolescence Management
Schedule: 1. Day: 09:00 to 05:30
2. Day: 08:30 to 05:00
Venue: in Bensheim (near Frankfurt)
Registration: By 04 August 2025
Costs: 1.490,00€
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